The City of Watertown is updating its 2015 Comprehensive Plan with a primary focus on four specific areas:
(1) land use,
(2) economic development,
(3) transportation, circulation, and parking and
(4) open space and recreation.
One of the most critical components of the process will be community engagement in identifying key issues and opportunities, and revisiting goals and implementation strategies contained in the 2015 Plan. The City has formed a Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) of seven members. The PAC is focusing on:
- public engagement
- identifying key issues
- planning documents content
The PAC will be meeting throughout the planning process until a final plan is approved by the Planning Board and the City Council estimated to be in March or April of 2023.
Meetings will be held as needed; the PAC could meet monthly during some parts of the process. Meetings will be public, either remote or hybrid (in person, with a remote option).
Visit the Comprehensive Plan website. Please visit the project website to learn more about the planning process, previous and upcoming activities and documents, upcoming public meetings, and other opportunities to participate.
For questions about the project, you can email the project team or if you want to talk with the project manager, you can reach out to Gideon Schreiber at 617-972-6417 ext. 12164.
Member | Role |
Jeff Brown
| Planning Board
Maria Rose
| Conservation Commission
John Airasian
| City Councilor-at-Large |
Inés Gonzalez-Romero
| Resident |
Daniel D’Amico
| Resident |
Andreas Aeppli
| Resident |
Robert Airasian | Watertown Business Coalition