What type of bait does the City of Watertown use?
The City utilizes a non-SGAR rodenticide called TERAD3.
TERAD3 features the newest formulation in the fight against rodent infestations, using Vitamin D3. The bait attracts rats and mice while reducing the risk of secondary poisoning and poses a low toxicity to birds.
What is an SGARs and why don’t we use it?
Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) are a type of poison used for rodent control that works by stopping the blood clotting causing lethal hemorrhage.
While SGARs may be more effective, SGARs allow for a high chance of secondary exposure and poisonings in non-target wildlife species, such as birds of prey that mainly feed on rodents or small birds.
Where does the City bait?
The City baits on public property ONLY.
What do the City sponsored bait boxes look like?
It is generally a small black box with small entrances on both sides. It is locked shut with a special key. The bait is hung up on a rod, and generally rodents and other vermin need to go in and make a sharp turn so they can reach the bait- this is to ensure the bait isn’t easily accessible and falls out.
Why are there City sponsored (Health Department) bait boxes on my street?
Baiting is not our first option. Baiting is our last resort to reduce the rodent population and minimize the effects on human health.