About the Economic Development Study
The City of Watertown conducted a planning study to set the direction for economic development within the City. This effort provides a framework for future decisions about specific projects while promoting overall economic activity.
The study complements ongoing and future open space, zoning, housing, and transportation and parking studies to form an updated comprehensive master plan, which will promote and guide responsible development activity in Watertown.
The project goals are to undertake strategic planning efforts to facilitate economic development activity in the community, including:
- Promote appropriate economic development activity throughout the town
- Identify key opportunity sites within the established commercial and industrial districts
- Identify solutions to ongoing issues that restrict commercial investment and retail activity in certain districts
- Develop implementation strategies, build capacity, and clarify roles and responsibilities for economic development
- Engage the public, merchants and businesses, real estate community, City leaders, and other stakeholders.
Who Is Involved
The Steering Committee for the project is the Economic Sub-Committee of the City Council and the Planning Board, with staff oversight provided by the Department of Planning and Community Development.
The consultant team includes Mt. Auburn Associates, economic development; Madden Planning Group, strategic planning, engagement and implementation; and Gamble Associates, urban design.
The study is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Economic Development Special Projects Initiative.