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Campaign Finance Information
See Filed Campaign Finance Reports
Depository Candidates & Committees
Candidates for the statewide offices, county and district offices, Governor's Council, mayor, city council and alderman seats in cities with 75,000 or more in population, political action committees, and the state political party committees.
- The Statewide Offices: The constitutional offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Secretary, State Treasurer or State Auditor.
- County and District Offices: County Clerks of Court, Commissioners and Treasurers; Registers of Deeds and Probate; District Attorneys; Sheriffs and Suffolk County Clerks of the Superior and Supreme Judicial Courts.
- Governor's Council: One of the eight district seats of the Executive Council.
- Political Action Committees: (People's committees must organize and operate as political action committees for six months before they can seek a change of status.)
- The state committees of political parties organized under M.G.L. chapter 52, section 1.
Statement of Organization
- Statement of Organization for Candidates Committee (PDF)
- Statement of Organization for Political Action Committee (PDF)
- Candidates and Candidate Committees (PDF)
- Candidates for local offices with reporting requirements to their local election officials
- Statement of Organization for Candidates Committee for Municipality
- Local Political Action Committees (PDF)
- Organized to support or oppose a roster of candidates in a single municipality.
- Local Ballot Question Committees (PDF)
- Organized to support or oppose a question appearing on a city or town ballot.
- Campaign Finance Report (PDF)
- Annual Campaign Finance Reporting
Committee Organization Forms
OCPF is writing to assist local election officials in providing materials for campaign finance reporting by local candidates and committees for year-end reports and municipal elections.
File Online: https://www.ocpf.us/Home/Index